Advanced Research in Social Sciences <h2 align="center"><a title="Call for Papers" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Call for Papers (Vol: 2 Issue: 2 | Dec. - 2022)</a></h2> <p align="justify">Advanced Research in Social Sciences ARSS is a double-blind peer-reviewed bi-annual online Journal. It is official Journal of Government Sadiq College Women University, Bahawalpur. ARSS publishes two issues per year (June and December) with understanding that these papers are not being considered for publishing elsewhere. Purpose of ARSS is to contribute to the development and dissemination of multidisciplinary knowledge on Management, Commerce, Economics, Education and Psychology to increase dialogue among scholars, researchers and technologists for localized perspective of exploration and investigation of social, economic, academic related issues.</p> GSCWU Bahawalpur en-US Advanced Research in Social Sciences 2791-3856 FUTURE WORKS SELF AND JOB-RELATED OUTCOMES: AN EMPIRICAL STUDY <p>Companies are continually challenged to achieve aggressive growth goals in order to remain successful in the marketplace. Higher educational institutions (HEIs) may be essential to a nation's economic development in addition to spreading knowledge. academic institutions are significantly effective in&nbsp;gaining a competitive edge among worldwide educational institutions therefore, the present study proposes that by motivating innovative work behavior and taking care of employee workplace wellbeing, these institutes can flourish. As these factors may help an institution’s academic achievement and progress the study will examine the relationship between future work self and job-related outcomes (employee innovative work behavior and employee workplace wellbeing) explained the self-determination theory in this study, job involvement is acknowledged as the moderator in this study, with visionary leadership serving as the mediator. In this study cross-sectional data on 255 -Pakistani HEIs employees. The hypothesized model indicated that job participation influences the relationships between the future work self and employee creative work behaviour and workplace wellbeing. The study expands the factors that contribute to employee workplace wellness and emphasizes the importance of FWS in current Job-related results. We also discovered that visionary leadership improves the favourable association between future work self and job-related outcomes. This study based on self-determination theory shows the relation b/w FWS and EWB. self-regulatory theory shows FWS and IWB associated with JI mediation and VL Moderation.</p> Ansa Farooq Zia ur Rehman Copyright (c) 2023 Advanced Research in Social Sciences 2022-12-31 2022-12-31 2 2 18 43 Dyslexic Tendency in Relation to Self-Esteem and Social Anxiety among Higher Learning Adults <p>This study is unique because of investigating a concept that actually appears in childhood but only some knows that it can prevail in adulthood. Much of the research has focused on dyslexia and childhood but this research aims to identify the prevalence of dyslexic tendency and its correlation with self-esteem and social anxiety among higher learning adults. Data is collected from various departments of the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, in two stages, using a purposive sampling technique. Stage 2 aims to check the level of self-esteem and social anxiety among students who were screened out for dyslexia in stage 1.&nbsp; The total number of participants was 296, out of this proportion, 84 (38 males, 46 females) students were screened out for dyslexia. Adult Dyslexia Checklist (Smythe &amp; Everatt, 2001), Social Anxiety Questionnaire for Adults (Caballo, Salazar, Irurtia, Arias &amp; CISO-A Research Team, 2010) and Urdu versions of Self-Esteem Scale by Rifai (1999); were used. Analysis shows that the three variables are not significantly correlated; nor do the significant gender differences exist.</p> Rimsha Irshad Asia Kausar Muhummad Qayyum Copyright (c) 2022 Advanced Research in Social Sciences 2022-12-31 2022-12-31 2 2 1 17