Indicators of Assessing Students' Satisfaction with the Quality of Education in Tertiary Education
Assuring the quality of Education is the foremost priority of universities in the 21st century. When assessing the quality of educational services students’ satisfaction is considered the core element as the whole education system revolves around the student. The present study is designed to examine the factors that subsidize the students’ satisfaction with the quality services provided by the universities. The main objectives of the study were to assess the students, satisfaction level with the quality of higher education and to investigate the factors that contribute to students' satisfaction with the quality of education as a module of quality assurance for universities. The existing study was descriptive in nature. Data were collected via the survey method. A questionnaire was developed on a five-point Likert scale. The tool was validated by pilot testing. 50 university students were approached for data collection. Tools’ reliability was 0.9. The intended population of the study was university students of district Bahawalpur, and Multan, Punjab. The questionnaire was conducted on 300 male and female students through a simple random sampling technique. Statistical Packages for Social Sciences were used for data analysis. The findings of the study illuminated that the learning courses, institution infrastructure, effective teaching, transparent assessment, and evaluation system, were indicators of students’ satisfaction concerning how learners see the institution's quality centered.
Keywords: Quality Indicators, Satisfaction, Quality Education, Students, Tertiary Education
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