Female Students' Perceptions about Homework Assignments


  • Syeda Fatima Niaz Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Pakistan.


With our current educational needs we want our nation successful and to be contrasted with nations around the world. One of the main factors being investigated is homework. Many studies propose that if learners spend sufficient time on homework they can improve their academic skills. It depends upon the attitude of students towards homework. Homework is considered a vital part of school-going students or is viewed as a practice of reinforcement of the work taught in class. The present study was designed to analyze the female student’s perceptions about homework assignments at the secondary school level. A descriptive method of research was selected to conduct the present study. A survey method was used to collect data. Data was collected through a questionnaire. Exploratory factor analysis” EFA was done in SPSS to test the workability of the suggested 6 sub- factors.  The questionnaire was conducted on 428 students of secondary schools of Bahawalpur and the percentage was calculated. The mean score of agreement and disagreement of each statement was calculated. Conclusions and recommendations were made based on findings. It was observed that female students had positive perceptions about homework, and various factors had a great influence on the female students’ perceptions about homework assignments including positive feedback, parents’ involvement, teachers’ assistance, amount of homework, and difficulty level of homework.


