The Moderating Role of Student Engagement in Force-Shift to Online learning During the Epidemic of COVID-19


  • sundas fatima Islamia University Bahawalpur


online learning, Social interaction, Social distancing, Perceived Harm, Social learning Theory


The epidemic has moved the majority of institutions to an online setting that most individuals are uncomfortable with. Universities and colleges are experimenting with a larger mixing of shifting to online learning to provide a secure, adaptable, and knowledge-based learning atmosphere as the outbreak has changed the direction of worldwide educational standards. The current research, which is based on Social learning theory, is trying to imitate other people's behavior, perceptions, and emotional responses. A cross-sectional study of 256 regular students in The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, with data collected from four departments such as IBMAS, agriculture, education, and computer science. Using the cluster area sampling approach, we were able to gather data. This research utilized partial least square structural equation modeling to evaluate the structural and measurement model (PLS-SEM). The findings indicate that FSOL serves as a mediating variable between the SI, PH, SD, and EOL. Future studies should focus on learning more about the various activities that can encourage engagement in an online space. Professors must be resourceful in coming up with themes that allow learners to connect while still learning.


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