Dyslexic Tendency in Relation to Self-Esteem and Social Anxiety among Higher Learning Adults
Dyslexia, Social Anxiety, Self-Esteem, Higher Learning AdultsAbstract
This study is unique because of investigating a concept that actually appears in childhood but only some knows that it can prevail in adulthood. Much of the research has focused on dyslexia and childhood but this research aims to identify the prevalence of dyslexic tendency and its correlation with self-esteem and social anxiety among higher learning adults. Data is collected from various departments of the Islamia University of Bahawalpur, in two stages, using a purposive sampling technique. Stage 2 aims to check the level of self-esteem and social anxiety among students who were screened out for dyslexia in stage 1. The total number of participants was 296, out of this proportion, 84 (38 males, 46 females) students were screened out for dyslexia. Adult Dyslexia Checklist (Smythe & Everatt, 2001), Social Anxiety Questionnaire for Adults (Caballo, Salazar, Irurtia, Arias & CISO-A Research Team, 2010) and Urdu versions of Self-Esteem Scale by Rifai (1999); were used. Analysis shows that the three variables are not significantly correlated; nor do the significant gender differences exist.