Factors that Impact Purchasing Decisions on Netflix's Streaming Service During the COVID-19 Pandemic
COVID-19, Pandemic, Consumer Behavior, Diffusion of Innovation, Purchasing Decisions, Social Distancing, Netflix, Streaming Service, Video-on-DemandAbstract
Since the first implementation of Large-Scale of Social Restrictions (PSBB: Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar) in several cities in Indonesia as a result of the outbreak of COVID-19 in a number of areas in Indonesia, people are required to stay at home for an undetermined time limit. The closure of public places such as cinemas makes people look for alternatives to access all information and entertainment such as movies online. In this study, the data collection method was carried out using a questionnaire distributed to Netflix users in the JABODETABEK (Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi) cities. The research method used is Structural Equation Modelling (SEM-PLS) using SmartPLS software. The results show that PSBB has a positive and significant effect on consumer behavior and the diffusion of innovation. However, PSBB has no effect on purchasing decisions. Consumer behavior and diffusion of innovation have a positive and significant impact on purchasing decisions. PSBB has a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions mediated by consumer behavior and diffusion of innovation.
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