The movement of linguistic formations and representation is a story of collaboration and disagreement
Lisaniyat, Tehreek, Ezra, Poet, Poetry, Iftekhar Jalib, Tashkeelat.Abstract
Lisani Tashkeelati Tehreek was a prominent literary activity, which was presented by Iftekhar
Jalib and other writers in early 60's. The common perception is that Lisani Tashkeelati
Tehreek was adopted from imagist movement of Ezra pound and his friend poet’s. Imagist
movement was presented in 1908 by Ezra. In this movement he claims new poetic language
for modern life cycle continuing in Britain and Europe. Ezra ask English poet to avoid
romantic poetry and create images of his real life. In Urdu Lisaani Tashkeelati Tehreek claims
that poetic language presented by Urdu poets is worth less. It can't create the real pictures of
modern life that's why Iftekhar Jalib says that new Urdu poet should use new words, new
images and brutal death pictures in his poetry. These two literary movement are different but
imagism produced some good litreture in the form of poetry but Iftekhar and his friends
couldn't. This article argues about the theory of these two and try to present the real picture of
both. It can help to know about the different poetical movements presented in Urdu poetry in
last 50 years.