Socio Political Study of Novel" Qila Jangi" in the Perspective of 21st Century
world scenario, Militants, narrated, miseries, sacred war, disaster.Abstract
9/11 took place at all the beginning of 21st century. Immediate after this incident world scenario
changed rapidly. America, attacked directly on Afghanistan to save itself and another world. War
brings disaster and cases new human tragedies. This war targeted a specific nation and religion.
Novelist took Qila Jangi, few Km away in historic Mazar-e- Sharif city of Afghanistan as locate
where an operation launched. Militants surrender before US army but few in hesitation threw
grenade on them. In response US army killed hundred people. Among at the dead, there were
Arabs, Chechen’s, Pakistani, and us citizens. Therefore, narrated the story of that characters who
reached there how and why? At the one handed the under developed country’s peoples are livings
belas poverty line where is the people of rich countries have their inner pain and miseries. These
two major causes gathered these people for shake of sacred war by so called leaders. Novelist
exposes the role of these leaders in this novel. In this article efforts have been made to take into
account the factors of article, social religious side in the story.